Málningardagur á safninu.
Við Óli töluðum okkur upp í að kaupa málningu til að skella á stallana sem sumir sýningargripirnir standa á. Liturinn sem varð fyrir valinu er mosagrænn, ekki ósvipað litnum sem notaður er í felubúninga hermanna. Það er ótrúlegt hvað ekki stærri breyting lyftir salnum. Lyktin af olíumálningunni er hins vegar stæk.
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Mark Steel er snillingur. Um það er engum blöðum að fletta. Pistill dagsins fjallar um ræðu Tony Blair á flokksþinginú í Brighton:
Justifying his original position has become so untenable his statements become increasingly surreal. For example, parts of his speech went: „Caring isn’t about caring. Its about doing what you think is right and sticking to it.“ I believe Fred West followed a similar doctrine. How can caring not be about caring? Are there similar rules for other activities ? If you fail your driving test, can you appeal on the grounds that „driving is not about driving, it’s about knowing where you want to go and not being afraid to run up the kerb and knock over a pram“? Perhaps in the original draft he was going to follow the bit about caring with „and weapons of mass destruction are not about weapons of mass destruction. They’re about sand and ancient temples and swords and they had all these, proving me right as usual“.
Og lokaorðin:
And Genghis Khan in his keynote speech at one conference said: „I know there are some of you who feel it was wrong to rampage across Mongolia, burning villages and slaughtering tribes. But the main thing is we’ve created lots of opportunities with our ‘trainee horde Sure Start scheme’ and families can be lifted out of poverty by claiming up to £9 a week in Peasant Family Tax Credit,“ to which there was loud applause.
Steel er langflottastur.