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Rakst á þessa tónleikaupptöku af The Clash í New Jersey, en seinna lagið – Julie´s Been Working for the Drug Squad – kemst líklega á topp-5 listann yfir uppáhalds Clash-lögin. Önnur sem koma til greina væru t.d. Spanish Bombs, Guns of Brixton, English Civil War og vitaskuld Lost in the Supermarket.
Annars hef ég alltaf verið hrifnastur af Give´Em Enough Rope af öllum breiðskífum The Clash.
Þegar Joe Strummer lést fyrir nokkrum árum skrifaði Mark Steel frábæra grein í minningu hans:
Tony Blair once praised „bands such as The Clash“ for creating a much undervalued source of exports. … I’ve never liked Blair, but I’ve never despised him as much as I did in that moment. Every soulless fraudulent icy pore in his body was illuminated in that statement, from a man who, if he lived to be a thousand, would never comprehend how most human beings are driven by higher ideals than poxy import/export ratios. I suppose that Blair’s a fan of Shakespeare as well, on account of how he improved the balance of payments in the budget of 1601 by becoming a leading exporter of soliloquies.
The sadness in Joe Strummer’s death is not that he was an icon for a generation – that’s relatively easy. It’s that 25 Thatcher- and Blair-dominated years later, Strummer was still fuelled by his original passions, principles and humility. Better to be a king for 25 years than a schmuck for a lifetime.
Megi Tony Blair og Moggabloggið svara til saka gagnvart Brixton-byssunum…