Gamli blaðamannsjaxlinn Robert Scheer skrifar greinarstúf um komu kínverskrar sendinefndar til Washington á dögunum. Erindið var að snupra Bandaríkjastjórn fyrir að standa sig ekki í efnahagsmálum… það eru fleiri en Íslendingar sem eiga í vandræðum með lánardrottna.
Þessi klausa er skemmtileg:
For those who recall the rhetoric of the Cold War, the idea that we would someday be cooperating with Chinese Communists because they had humbled us economically rather than militarily is a startling turnabout. How did they get to be better capitalists than us, and being that they are good capitalists, why are we still spending hundreds of billions a year on high-tech military weapons to counter a potential Chinese military threat when the weapons they are using are all market-driven deployments?