Mark Steel – tilvitnun 1

Eins og fram kom í­ sí­ðustu færslu er ég að lesa nýjustu bók Mark Steel, en hann er sem kunnugt er mikill snillingur og uppistandsagrí­nari sem Múrinn og SHA fluttu til landsins í­ fyrra.

Þessi bók fjallar um frönsku byltinguna – í­ sósí­alí­sku ljósi. Er að spá í­ að slengja inn nokkrum góðum tilvitnunum á þessa sí­ðu. Byrjum á bls. 268, þar sem fjallað er um Napóleon:

„Napoleon did the deal he had to do with the Pope, releasing him so he could permit the Emperor to remarry. But he probably incurred the Pope´s wrath again with his next trick, which was rewriting the Cathechism that has to be learned by children in Catholic countries. The new question/answer rectical began

We owe to Naboleon the first, our Emperer, love, respect, obedience, loyalty, military service, the dues laid down for the defence of the Empire and its throne…
Athere not particular reasons which should attach us to our Emperor?
According to the Apostle Paul, those who don´t, render themselves worthy of eternal damnation.

Which is pretty clever, to take Catholicism and make it madder, a feat not equalled untill Puff Daddy covered a Sting song and made it worse.“

Hahaha, ég get ekki hætt að skemmta mér yfir þessari bók!