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Það er orðið svoltið langt síðan að HÍ pósturinn hefur hleypt rusli í gegn en það gerðist áðan.  Pósturinn er í sápuóperustíl og ég læt hann fylgja, feitletra nokkra skemmtilega parta en þetta er þess virði að lesa í gegn:

I wasamused the way you kept steering Curtiss away from the bar.
Every time some Norskeor Svenske saw me in a black-silk nightshirt, it would cost me tenvotes.
She does try so hard to hate me, butshe doesnt know how. Jinnys spirit walked with him derisively.
Scott dealt in insurance, and he made jokes and made puns. Cass, have you fallen for that young female grasshopper,that Marshland girl, at your age?
Scared conservatives throwing calico babies to the union wolves! Madges half-dozen smallflower-gardens looked like gardens of flowers, while Mr. Madges half-dozen smallflower-gardens looked like gardens of flowers, while Mr. Its a caution the way my pencils get stolen!
They wererugged and healthy girls, and expected a lot, and did not get it.
But very few of them are rich and none of them are snobbish. I supposeyou want to go study in Paris, and become a famous artist. And probably youre THE youngest octogenarian. She does try so hard to hate me, butshe doesnt know how.
What he saw was ChrisGrau, happily arranging the flowers, and her happiness chilled him.
Im the only person youve ever really talked to aboutBlanche. Fliegend had they ever considered himimportant enough to mention. Ill bet the owner, Greg Marl, doesnt pay him enough to affordbreakfast. He had hoped to slip away with Jinny, and perhaps beinvited in for an incautious moment. She answered with equal poesy, So have I!
Cass sat facing her, with an entirely mechanical Can I get youanother drink?

Með þessu fylgdi gif-skjal með auglýsingu um að ég ætti að fylgjast með hlutabréfum í einhverju olíufyrirtæki í Texas.