Festi kaup á bók í dag

„Waits caught Rock’s show in a disreputable little Sunset Strip establishment called Filthy McNasty’s. The place was nearly empty – Rock and his band, decked out in shocking-pink jumpers, were playing to the bar staff, Waits, and a handful of wayward businessmen. As Waits describes it, Rock was in the middle of a „bitter and distracted“ version of „The Tennessee Waltz“ when he suddenly stopped singing. Then he grabbed his drink, hurled it against the wall, and started screaming at the suits, calling them „a bunch of damned bloodsuckers.“ Sweat pouring from his brow, Rock launched into a long, rambling, brilliant, but „purely psychotic confession“ that was like a „cross between an execution and a striptease.“ Waits, of course, was enthralled.“

Gott stöff.