Yesterday in London must have shown us that we have no hope of solving the „Terrorist Problem“ with this kind of sticking plaster. So where do we go from here ? Search everyone before they go on a bus? On a tube train ? Walking down the street? This is the road to insanity …. a climate of fear, which, sadly, the USA is already experiencing. It’s time we attacked the cause rather than the symptoms.
James Randi hafði líka sitt að segja um málið í gær.
This becomes all the more important to us when we face the fact that the war in which we’re presently involved, is a religious war; it is not political, not financial, not territorial. Its precedent can be found nine centuries ago in the Crusades […]
Lesið þá báða, meira vit í gítarleikaranum og töframanninum heldur en þeim sem stjórna í Bandaríkjunum, Bretlandi og á Íslandi.