
Ég hef verið með djöfullegan hausverk í allan dag. Hann er lúmskur. Alltaf þegar ég held hann farinn læðist hann aftan úr höfðinu á mér og breiðir anga sína yfir það allt svo þeir mætast í einum konsentreruðum punkti aðeins vinstra megin við mitt ennið, valdandi gífurlegum, stingandi sársauka. Ég yrði ekki hissa þótt hausinn á mér springi í blóðugum fossi vegna vel falins en ákaflega stíflandi slagæðagúlps. Með tilliti til þessa, þá hef ég það skítt.

Batman og Adam West II

Ég trúi því ekki að ég hafi gleymt því besta:

[Stuck to Penguin’s magnetic buoy, with a torpedo approaching, Batman pries loose his utility belt transmitter.]
Batman: If I could just reverse the polarity… send out waves of super-energy…
. . .
[An annoyed Penguin observes the destruction of his torpedos.]
Penguin: He must be using his Super-Energy Reverse Polarizer!
. . .
[A third torpedo approaches, but Batman’s transmitter ceases its screeching.]
Batman: Confound it! The batteries are dead!
. . .
[Moments after an off-camera explosion, we see Batman and Robin speeding in their Batboat.]
Robin: Gosh, Batman. The nobility of the almost-human porpoise.
Batman: True, Robin. It was… noble of that animal to hurl himself into the path of that final torpedo. He gave his life… for ours.

Batman og Adam West

Eftirfarandi tilvitnanir í Batmanþættina og myndina frá 1966 eru ekki uppdiktaðar af mér né nokkrum öðrum. Þið hafið verið vöruð við.

Robin: „Ghoti“ is „fish“?
Batman: See here. English phonetics. GH becomes F, as in „tough“ or „laugh“. O becomes I as in „women“. TI becomes SH as in „ration“ or the word „nation“.
Robin: Holy semantics, Batman. You never cease to amaze me!
Batman: No time for compliments, Robin. We must thwart some criminals. To the Batmobile!
Batman: Why is a woman in love like a welder? Because they both carry a torch!
Batman: I’m just going to hang around the bar. I don’t want to look conspicuous.
Robin: Holy bill of rights, Batman!
Riddler: I see the way to do it! We’ll play each of our treacherous trumps in one hand, and we’ll do it right here!
Penguin: How?
Riddler: How? The end! The end, oh…
Riddler: We shall spring them from The Joker’s Jack-In-The-Box, through that window, out over the sea, and into the waiting arms of The Penguin’s Exploding Octopus!
Vice Admiral Fangschliester: Avast and belay, Batman. Your tone sounds rather grim. We haven’t done anything foolish, have we?
Batman: Disposing of pre-atomic submarines to persons who don’t even leave their full addresses? Good day, Admiral!
Commissioner Gordon: It could be any one of them… But which one? Which ones?
Batman: Pretty *fishy* what happened to me on that ladder…
Commissioner Gordon: You mean where there’s a fish there could be a penguin?
Robin: But wait! It happened at sea… Sea. C for Catwoman!
Batman: Yet, an exploding shark *was* pulling my leg…
Commissioner Gordon: The Joker!
Chief O’Hara: All adds up to a sinister riddle… Riddle-R. Riddler!
Commissioner Gordon: A thought strikes me… So dreadful I scarcely dare give it utterance…
Batman: The four of them… Their forces combined…
Robin: Holy nightmare!
Batman: Better put 5 cents in the meter.
Robin: No policeman’s going to give the Batmobile a ticket.
Batman: This money goes to building better roads. We all must do our part.
Robin: Holy molars! Am I ever glad I take good care of my teeth!
Batman: True. You owe your life to dental hygiene.
Robin: If we close our eyes, we can’t see anything.
Batman: A sound observation, Robin.
Robin: How about rushing the place, Batman?
Batman: Shh. I think not, Robin. All they’ve done so far is stolen a few items, attempted to kill you, me, and Batgirl. No, I think they plan something really big.